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(zk)TRIPSTER (Time Release Incentive Platform for Security Threats Ethical Reporting) is an end-to-end verifiable cryptographic infrastructure that facilitates coordinated vulnerability disclosure and contingent transactions for trading exploit information for monetary reward.

It implements proof of exploit in SP1; Solidity-based contingent payment protocol, and verifiable time-lock encryption of vulnuerability details via zk-Timelock.

This project won 2nd place in EthBerlin4 (defensive tooling). See full desctiption and website.


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S𝛑PETs (Sustainable Practically Indistinguishable Privacy-Enhanced Transactions) is universal covert private transactions scheme. A generalization of Bitcoin’s CoinSwap for any public blockchain that supports ECDSA or Schnorr.

It uses two-party computation (2PC) with adaptor signatures to achive fully scriptless transactions and verifiable timed commitments (VTC) for failed swap resolution.


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Arithmetic circuits for verifiable time-lock encryption written in Arkworks.

The implemented algorithm is the Boneh-Franklin identity-based encryption (IBE). over BLS12-381 (for compatability with drand network).

For experiments circuit comes in 3 variants: over BLS12-377 (1), via non-native arithmetic (2), and over application-specific curve (YT-776) and FFT-less Gemini (3)


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A Rust libp2p transport for {t,n}-threshold signature schemes based on GG20, a full multi-party computation (MPC) algorithm for threshold ECDSA with support for identifying malicious parties.

Structured around the virtual “room” abstraction and the “Single Proposer; Multiple Joiners” model with echo broadcast as a reliable broadcast scheme.