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(zk)TRIPSTER (Time Release Incentive Platform for Security Threats Ethical Reporting) is an end-to-end verifiable cryptographic infrastructure that facilitates coordinated vulnerability disclosure and contingent transactions for trading exploit information for monetary reward.

It implements proof of exploit in SP1; Solidity-based contingent payment protocol, and verifiable time-lock encryption of vulnuerability details via zk-Timelock.

This project won 2nd place in EthBerlin4 (defensive tooling). See full desctiption and website.


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S𝛑PETs (Sustainable Practically Indistinguishable Privacy-Enhanced Transactions) is universal covert private transactions scheme. A generalization of Bitcoin’s CoinSwap for any public blockchain that supports ECDSA or Schnorr.

It uses two-party computation (2PC) with adaptor signatures to achive fully scriptless transactions and verifiable timed commitments (VTC) for failed swap resolution.


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Arithmetic circuits for verifiable time-lock encryption written in Arkworks.

The implemented algorithm is the Boneh-Franklin identity-based encryption (IBE). over BLS12-381 (for compatability with drand network).

For experiments circuit comes in 3 variants: over BLS12-377 (1), via non-native arithmetic (2), and over application-specific curve (YT-776) and FFT-less Gemini (3)

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A pure Go implementation of signature adaptors using ECDSA over secp256k1 curve.

Adaptor signatures are a type of signature encryption where the decryption key can be recovered from the decrypted signature. This property makes them valuable for various blockchain and cryptographic applications.

It is based off the DLC spec.


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zkSQL lets one to prove the correctness of the SQL queries performed against the database hosted in an untrusted environment.

Project implements a platform that connects “data miners” running SQL-prover nodes and users that wish to outsource their data and are willing to pay for such service.


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A Rust libp2p transport for {t,n}-threshold signature schemes based on GG20, a full multi-party computation (MPC) algorithm for threshold ECDSA with support for identifying malicious parties.

Structured around the virtual “room” abstraction and the “Single Proposer; Multiple Joiners” model with echo broadcast as a reliable broadcast scheme.